The Universal Law of Income
The Universal Law of Income states that:
You get paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver to the marketplace.
Notice how it didn’t say “the value you produce”…
There have been hundreds – maybe thousands – of products that have been developed/produced but never made any money because the creator never delivered it to the marketplace.
In my business, Production means you met with a client and filled out the application…
But we don’t get paid for filling out applications… we get paid for DELIVERING the final plan to the client and collecting their signature on the Delivery Receipt.
I can write a million dollars worth of business… but if it’s not delivered or fulfilled, I don’t get paid anything.
Back when I was briefly in Production… we shot 3 projects that were never delivered.
We hired the actors, the crew, rented the space, the equipment… we went through the entire shoot with the intention of delivering the final piece to the market… but the footage never made it to the edit. Everything that was invested into them went down the drain.
The projects died before they even had a chance… they were never delivered to the market, therefore, they mean absolutely nothing.
Now, ready for the hard truth?
Here’s the hard truth…
The reason why most people don’t get paid a lot… the reason why most people are broke is simply because they’re not delivering a lot of value to the marketplace.
Most people have grand schemes… Creative ideas… but they never pull the trigger.
Most people will spend weeks, months, years developing something… but they fall short when it comes down to marketing it, selling it, and delivering it to the marketplace.
They’ll simply say something like… “I’m good where I’m at.” “I’m comfortable”
And so, they never develop themselves… they never increase their earning potential but becoming better… therefore, the marketplace pays them what they’re worth.
This isn’t me saying that they’re not worthy… it’s the marketplace.
The marketplace doesn’t care about your feelings… or who your parents are… or where you went to school…
The marketplace doesn’t care how long you’ve been working on this… what your intentions are… or how badly you may want it…
The marketplace only cares about one thing…
Value Delivered.
Not value promised… not value talked about…
Value delivered.
And the bitter truth behind why most people don’t make a lot of money is simply because they’re not delivering enough value to the market.
If you’re interested in increasing your deliverable value to the marketplace, and by extension, increasing your income, email me for a consultation.
My email address is: arman@nahesh.com
You can also request a free business planning session with either myself or one of our licensed coaches.