The Biggest Lie That We Sell Ourselves…

Is That It’s Okay For Us to Be Mediocre.

That It’s Okay For Us to Try and Fail, and Use That As A Justification For Why We Stopped Fighting.

For Why We Stopped Pushing to Grow and Develop.

For Why We Stopped Trying.

We deceive ourselves by thinking that doing just above the Status Quo is enough. 

After all… our bills are paid, we can buy nice clothes, enjoy leisurely activities, and maybe even save and invest a little. 

The wife and kids are “happy” and life is good. 

So, why keep pushing and growing? 

Why try to get to the next level? 

Why Try to Be Great, When Being Mediocre Will Do? 

These are the questions we subconsciously ask ourselves when we’re SELLING ourselves on the idea that it’s okay to just be “good”… to just be average and ordinary. 

Because your “good”, mediocre life will keep you from having a great life. 

Not living up to your potential, will prevent you from adding the true amount of value to the world that you’re capable of. 

It’s more than the money you can make (which, you can make a lot of), but You can help your community grow… your city, state, and nation… maybe even the world? 

You can make the kind of impact that can talked about for years, decades, maybe even lifetimes? 

Your family can live a world class life, enjoy world class experiences, and meet world class people. 

And it will all have been because you finally stopped lying to yourself. 

Interestingly enough, if you’re reading this, it’s unlikely that you’re broke and destitute. You probably have something already going for you, or on your way to living a comfortable life. 

And you may be reading all of this and saying, “Arman doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about.” 

And I may not. 

But I’m willing to bet that you can still push harder, plan better, think bigger, and act faster. 

Even more so than you are now. 

You see… THAT’s the key. 

No matter what level you’re at… There’s another level above you. 

Always. With everything. 

You can always grow more.
Learn more. 

Contribute more. 

Experience more. 

Human life is too short for you to experience everything that life has to offer, so don’t slow down thinking that you’re going to run out of things to do. 

Simply focusing on your development as a self, as a spirit and human being… just that is a life long journey, and many never even start it. 

Because they think they’re “good”. 

Life is good, so why try? 

If you ever catch yourself thinking like that… snap yourself out of it real quick. (Pro’s keep people around them that have the courage to call them out on their shit when they act “casual”)

Why try? 

Because life can be GREAT!

And the difference between a good life and great life, is like the difference between” 

  • Cotton and Cashmere
  • BMW and Bugatti 
  • Cheesecake Factory and Carbone
  • Backyard BBQ’s and Celebrity Dinners

There’s nothing wrong with settling… 

Except there’s everything wrong with settling. 

If you can, you should. 

If you can do better, you should do better. 

Otherwise, you might as well just crawl into the grave now and call it. 

An excellent book on this topic is “Good to Great” from the amazing Jim Collins.

This a pivotal book for achievers who are looking for an edge or for ways to get ever better.

Get “Good to Great” by Jim Collins today on Amazon.