How to Overcome Fear of Failure 

A fear of failure can be debilitating… demoralizing… and down right depressing. 

It’s fortunate for us that it’s something that can be overcome. And that’s the whole purpose of this post.

We’re going to talk about the common causes of “fear of failure” and some of the best practices for overcoming them. That being said, let’s get into it.

There are many possible causes of fear of failure.

Some common causes include:

  1. Low self-confidence: People who lack self-confidence may be more likely to fear failure, as they may doubt their ability to succeed.
  2. Negative past experiences: Past failures or setbacks can lead to a fear of failure in the future.
  3. High standards: People who set high standards for themselves may be more prone to fear failure, as they may feel that they have to meet these standards in order to succeed.
  4. Fear of judgment: Some people may be afraid of failure because they are worried about what others will think of them if they don’t succeed.
  5. Lack of control: Feeling like you have little control over a situation can lead to a fear of failure.

It’s important to note that fear of failure is a natural and normal human emotion, and it can actually be a helpful motivator if it helps you to work harder and be more determined.

However, excessive fear of failure can be debilitating and can hold you back from pursuing your goals.

In these cases, it may be helpful to seek the help of a therapist or counselor to work through these fears.

Until then, here are some tips to deal with the above causes: 

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