If you have a 401k, IRA, 403B or any other variable plan, and you’ve lost money in the markets, then this page is for you.
“It Is Possible to Get Market-Like Gains Without Having to Sacrifice Your Principal Balance, All While Getting Every Penny Insured AND Having the Option For a Lifetime Income, Using the Account Strategies On This Page.”
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Saving Your Retirement From Crashes & Taxes, While Getting an Income For Life Is Just One Click Away.
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You’ve been through more than your fair share of market crashes.
And until now, it was okay because you were in the growth phase of your retirement planning.
But now that you’re in the withdrawal phase, you can’t risk your wealth anymore.
The same strategies and accounts that got you here, won’t get you through the next phase.
Simply put, they weren’t designed for it.
Statistically, a market crash happens every 7-10 years.
Imagine taking a 10%, 20%, 30% hit the same year that you’re forced to take out 4% of your account balance for Required Minimum Distributions.
It’s a tough situation for anyone.
But that doesn’t have to be the case.
Unfortunately, you can’t avoid RMD’s – Uncle Sam simply won’t let that happen.
And you can’t avoid the income taxes on your retirement withdrawals.
But you CAN soften the blow and make it so you don’t have to worry about the crashes anymore.
You can protect yourself from market losses.
You can protect yourself from excess fees and taxes.
You can protect your estate and make sure they get every dime without Uncle Sam getting a single penny.
And you can get a guaranteed income – in the form of a fixed interest payment – that will offset your RMD’s so you don’t ever run out of money, ever.
Kinda like a pension… or your very own lottery.
I’ve cleverly named this strategy, the Golden Egg strategy and you can learn all about it in a free video.
The video is on the very next page (and it requires no opt-in or forms to fill out).
It’s literally just a click away.
Simply click the link below, or the link in my bio and you’ll be taken to a secure web page that will explain everything for you.
Saving your nest egg from loss, and getting a guaranteed income is a lot simpler than you think.
Just click the link below, or the link in my bio and you’ll learn just how simple & easy it is.
Click the link now.