Ready For Some Advanced Competitor Analysis Hacks?

Competitor analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about your competitors to inform your business strategy.

Here are the top ten advanced strategies for conducting competitor analysis:

  1. Monitor their online presence:
    Studying your competitor’s online channels is one of the best competitive analysis strategies.
    This includes keeping track of their website, social media accounts, and online reviews.
    This will give you a sense of their marketing strategies, customer sentiment, and areas of strength and weakness.
  2. Analyze their products or services:
    Look at the features, pricing, and positioning of your competitors’ products or services.
    This will help you understand how they compare to your own offerings and identify opportunities for differentiation.
    If you’re not analyzing your competitor’s products & services, then you’re really not conducting competitor analysis. 
  3. Understand their business model:
    Look at how your competitors make money, including their revenue streams, pricing models, and cost structure.
    This will help you understand their financial strength and where they might be vulnerable.
  4. Analyze their customer base:
    Look at the demographics, behaviors, and needs of your competitors’ customers.
    This will help you understand their target market and identify opportunities to target different or underserved segments.
  5. Monitor their partnerships and collaborations:
    Keep track of any partnerships or collaborations your competitors are engaged in, as these can provide valuable insights into their strategic priorities and areas of focus.
  6. Analyze their marketing efforts:
    Look at your competitors’ marketing efforts, including their messaging, channels, and tactics.
    This will help you understand their brand positioning and how they are trying to reach their target market.
  7. Analyze their customer service:
    Look at how your competitors handle customer complaints, inquiries, and support requests.
    This will help you understand their customer service standards and identify opportunities to differentiate your own customer experience.
  8. Benchmark their performance:
    Compare your business’s performance to your competitors’ in areas such as sales, market share, and customer satisfaction.
    This will help you understand where you stand relative to your competitors and identify areas for improvement.
  9. Analyze their social media presence:
    Look at your competitors’ social media accounts to get a sense of their tone, messaging, and engagement with customers.
    This can provide valuable insights into their brand personality and customer relationships.
  10. Look for patterns:
    As you gather data on your competitors, look for patterns and trends that can help you understand their strengths, weaknesses, and strategic priorities.
    This can help informyour own business strategy.


By using these advanced strategies, you can get a comprehensive understanding of your competitors and identify opportunities to differentiate and position your business for success.

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